Friday, 12 January 2018


Clinical signs

¢Bony swelling at the level of  central molar teeth
¢Painless swelling of mandible and maxilla
¢Hard and immovable
¢Pain in later stages
¢Stick pus like ,honey like consistency with hard yellow like granules ,foul smelling.

Soft tissue involvement

¢Involves esophageal groove
¢Lower esophagus
¢Reticular groove
¢Periodic diarrhea with passage of undigested food material,chronic bloat
¢Orchitis in bull

¢Inj. Streptopenicillin 5 gm IM
¢Potassium iodide 10gm orally daily for 10 days
¢Isoniazid 2.5-5mg/kg PO for 30 days (24hrly)
¢10% Sodium iodide 70mg/kg IV
    ( repeated in one week)

Florfenicol 20mg/kg IM every 48 hrs

Oxytertracycline 10 mg/kg for 7 d

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Ascites in a dog

Artificial colostrum for kids and lamb

  • 600 ml of fresh cows' milk 
  • One beaten egg yolk
  • One tablespoon of glucose or lactose (if unavailable, use sugar)
  • One very small teaspoon (3 ml) of cod liver oil (or castor oil)
Mix (shake) well and divide the mixture into four equal feeds for the first day's feeding. Divide it into six equal feeds instead of four if the kid is small or weak.

Monday, 8 January 2018


Sunday, 7 January 2018

Hypovitaminosis A

Clinical Signs

1) Day old neonate calf
2) Incordination
3) Not able to stand or walk
4) Convulsions
5) Rotation of the head due to increase in intracranial pressure
6) Xerophthalmia---(sometimes)


Inj.Vitamin A 440 iu perkg Bwt Intramuscular

If need Mannitol or dextrose 20% shall be given IV

Prognosis : Good

Saturday, 6 January 2018


Differential Diagnosis

 1) Babesiosis
 2) Post Parturient Hemoglobinuria
 3) Hypophosphatemia 
 4) Bacillary Hemoglobiura 

Babesiosis Treatment

Inj.Berenil ( Diaminazine aceturate 3.5 mg per kg Intramuscular 
Inj.Imidoarb 1 mg per kg IM or SC

Post Parturient Hemoglobinuria

 Inj. Dihydrogen sodium ortho phosphate ( Sodium Acid Phosphate ) 
60 gm in 200 ml normal saline IV 
60 gm in 200 ml normal saline SC

Friday, 5 January 2018


Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine ) 10mg per kg IM or IV