Friday, 12 January 2018


Clinical signs

¢Bony swelling at the level of  central molar teeth
¢Painless swelling of mandible and maxilla
¢Hard and immovable
¢Pain in later stages
¢Stick pus like ,honey like consistency with hard yellow like granules ,foul smelling.

Soft tissue involvement

¢Involves esophageal groove
¢Lower esophagus
¢Reticular groove
¢Periodic diarrhea with passage of undigested food material,chronic bloat
¢Orchitis in bull

¢Inj. Streptopenicillin 5 gm IM
¢Potassium iodide 10gm orally daily for 10 days
¢Isoniazid 2.5-5mg/kg PO for 30 days (24hrly)
¢10% Sodium iodide 70mg/kg IV
    ( repeated in one week)

Florfenicol 20mg/kg IM every 48 hrs

Oxytertracycline 10 mg/kg for 7 d

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