Thursday, 11 November 2021


1) Wash the wound with  Sodium bicarbonate Solution in water thoroughly ( 1% solution)

2) Application of  Honey with Millet flour is ideal over the lesions in the tongue and oral cavity 2 to 3        times  a day depend on the severity .

3) Foot Lesions- Wash with sodium bicarbonate  or potassium permanganate lotion and can apply neem

      oil with turmeric paste in the foot lesions.

Supportive Treatment 

Antibiotics -  Streptopenicllin or Enrofloxacin or OTC

B complex 

Vit ADE  ( One dose )


Vitamin C (  Oral tablets or IV preparations)

Sodium Bicarbonate 50 gm orally in drinking water once a day till the oral lesions heals. (Not to be drenched.It should be mixed in drinking water.)

Homeo Preparations are also very  effective in the treatment.


1) Hairy Panters  ( Panting through out  the day )

2) Heat Intolerance

3) Hyperglycemia  ( Diabetic)

4) Mastitis

5) Infertility

6) Reduced Milk yield

7) Myiasis

8) Sudden Mortality

9) Secondary bacterial infections

FAQ??? Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1 : Can I give colostrum to the calf which is collected from the FM affected cow?

ANS  : No We should  not give the colustrum from the FMD affected cow.

FAQ 2 : How many  days the virus will excrete in milk,blood, nasal discharge, saliva etc..,,,?

ANS :    Milk, Blood, Aerosol,   Dung  - 5  Days

              Nasal  Discharge, Urine  - 7 Days

              Saliva - 11 Days

              Semen - 10  Days


Dr. Harsha G.V said...

well explained sir..!!!

Dr. Shamal Das said...

under 4 months of age fmd affected calf is there any remedy or management?

Anonymous said...

Very nice presentation sir super sir

Dr.Ganesh Babu said...

Superb sir

Dr.vinoth said...

Thanks sir

Anonymous said...

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